Who are "[Bnei Arvad] v'Cheilech"?
Rashi: They are soldiers who dwelled in you.
Radak: Also Bnei Arvad were warriors. They were with your army, like Paras v'Lud mentioned (10).
Malbim: Bnei Arvad were soldiers who guarded your walls. It already said that they were "Machazikei Bidkech" (9 1 ); they also guarded from the external enemy.
Malbim (9): They are Chachamim who enact and fix etiquette in the country. (The verse said so about Ziknei Geval! "Yoshevei Tzidon v'Arvad Hayu Shatim Lach" (8)! This requires investigation. - PF)
What do we learn from "Al Chomosayich"?
Radak: They were on your walls when enemies came to fight you.
Who are "Gamadim"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: People of Keputkiya.
Rashi citing Menachem: Because they descend to the Tehom and estimate the Gomedim (Amos) of its depth, they are called Gamadim.
Rashi: Some say that they are midgets, and fit within an Amah (Gomed). Radak ? this is like "Gomed Arkah" (Shoftim 3:16).
Malbim: Those who were "b'Migdelosayich" (on your towers), because they were so high, they appeared to people below like midgets an Amah tall.
What are "Shilteihem"?
Rashi: They are quivers in which they put arrows, like "Haveru ha'Chitzim Mil'u ha'Shelatim" (Yirmeyah 51:11).
Radak: They are shields, like "Kol Shiltei ha'Giborim" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:4).
What is the meaning of "Tilu"?
Rashi: They made many mounds.
Why does it say "Kalelu Yafyech"?
Malbim: Via hanging Shilteihem on your walls, they completed your beauty. This is unlike you said "Ani Kelilas Yofi" (2; my beauty is due to myself)!