
What is the Bris with death?


Rashi: It will not come upon us. Radak - this is said in jest, for they despaired from punishment (were sure that it will not come).


Malbim: This is a metaphor, as if death is a Shali'ach of the grave, which screams 'give, give', and it is not satiated 1 . They made a covenant that death will not kill them 2 .


Mishlei (30:15, according to Rashi): Gehinom screams to receive more Resha'im, and it is not satiated.


In the Nimshal, death is Egypt. The wealth in the country is the grave - it sends death to them, for it wants to destroy their land in order to plunder the wealth. They made a Bris with Egypt. Their wealth is the sign to fulfill the Bris. They already sent it to Egypt (30:6).


What is "Chozeh"?


Rashi: It is a border that one will not pass, like "Mechoz Cheftzam" (Tehilim 107:30), "Mechezah El Mechezah" (Melachim I, 7:4). They are the limit and end of a matter.


Radak: This is a noun, like Ro'eh (refer to 28:7:5:3). We made a deal with [death], like one who meets his opponent and makes peace with him.


Malbim: It is a sign that the Bris will be fulfilled. The grave, which sends death, will not desire their death. Refer to 28:15:1:2**.


What is "Shot Shotef"?


Rashi: A plague that goes in the land.


Radak: When the enemy 1 passes through the world [he will not come to us].


Malbim: I.e. Egypt; refer to 28:15:1:2**.


Why is "Shot" written with a Yud?


Radak: Aleph, Hei, Vov and Yud are interchangeable. (Refer to Melachim I, 11:17:1:1.)


What is the meaning of "Samnu Chazav Machsenu"?


Rashi: We put idolatry for our protection.


Radak: They trusted in the false Nevi'im to shield them. They did not call them Chazav; Yeshayah calls them so, for they gave false promises.


What is the meaning of "uva'Sheker Nistarnu"?


Rashi: We trusted in idolatry to hide us.


Why does it switch from "Chazav" to "Sheker"?


Malbim: Sheker is worse than Chazav. Chazav is true in its time, just it does not last. Sheker has no reality, even in its time. Chazav will be a temporary Machseh (shelter). Sheker, which has no reality, they think that it will be Mastor (a greater protection) and strong tower against the enemy! The Nimshal is, they trusted in Egypt, and Egypt wanted to help them, just they could not in the end. They also trusted in Ashur and gave to them a gift and bribe, and thought that it is a great protection. This was immediately Sheker, for Ashur [from the beginning] intended to do evil to them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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