Were their tables full of vomit and excrement?!
Avos 3:3: If three ate at a table and did not say Divrei Torah, it is as if they ate from Korbanos to dead [gods].
Rashi: They are full of Korbanos to dead [gods], which are like vomit and excrement.
Radak: Yes! Even the Kohanim's tables are full. It is as if it says Ki v'Tzo'ah; the prefix Vov is omitted, like "Shemesh Yare'ach" (Chabakuk 3:11). They drink until they get drunk and vomit. So is the way of someone drunk - "k'Hita'os Shikor b'Ki'o" (19:14). They also excrete below.
What is "Bli Makom"?
Rashi: Intellect cannot bear them.
Radak: There is no clean place where they drink.
Malbim: They have no hidden place. They sully themselves everywhere, openly.