
How will we reconcile the current Pasuk, which requires the Tzitz to be placed on a Techeiles thread above the Mitznefes, with the Pasuk in Pikudei, 39:31, which requires the Techeiles thread to be placed on the Tzitz; and with the following Pasuk, which requires the Tzitz to be placed on Aharon's forehead?


Rashi #1 (citing Zevachim,19b): The hair was visible between the Tzitz 1 and the Mitznefes, 2 in which case the Mitznefes was above the Tzitz, whereas the middle thread that went over the Mitznefes rendered the Tzitz on top of the Mitznefes. 3 Regarding the middle thread, the part that threaded through the hole 4 the Torah describes as underneath the Tzitz, and the part that went over the top, as on top of it.


Rashi #2 (in Pikudei, 39:31): The Tzitz was on the Mitznefes by means of the Tefilin - though it is not clear how.


Chulin, 138a; The P'sil Techeiles refers to a woolen hat that the Kohen Gadol wore underneath the Tzitz. 5


Which was worn on the forehead


Refer to 28:4:5:1.


See Ramban, who dismisses the question by switching "al P'sil Techeiles" to "el P'sil Techeiles".


Refer to 28:36:2:1.


See Torah Temimah, not 19.


How were the Mitznefes and the Tzitz tied?


Rashi: Refer to 28:37:1:1.


Ramban: The Tzitz was worn on the forehead whereas the Mitznefes ran from the top of the head 1 to the back of the neck; 2 and the thread of the Tzitz covered the back of the Mitznefes.


The location of the middle brain (Ramban). The space in between the Tzitz and the Mitznefes was for the Kohen Gadol's Tefilin shel Rosh. Refer to 29:6:3:1. The Ramban intimates that the hats of the Kohanim Hedyotim covered their whole heads, in which case, they did not wear Tefilin, in spite of the Gemara in Erchin, 3b, which states that they did (See Rav Chavel's notes on the Ramban).


Refer to beginning of 28:37:1:1 (Ramban).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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