
What are the implications of "Otzaro ha'Tov"?


Chagigah, 12b: It implies that Hashem has a storehouse that stores bad - 'Machon', 1 which houses snow and hail, an attic containing bad dew and an attic containing bowls of water (to strike the fruit and spoil it), a room containing storms and tempests and a cave that houses vapor, and their doors comprise fire.


See Torah Temimah, note 17.


What are the implications of "Yiftach Hashem l'cha es Otzaro ha'Tov es ha'Shamayim ... "?


Targum Yonasan: It refers to the four keys that Hashem retains ubder His personal jurisdiction and which He does not give over to a Shali'ach - the keys of rain, of birth, of the grave (Techiyas ha'Meisim) and of food. Regarding rain, He will open the relevant storehouse and the first rain will fall in Marcheshvan and the second rain in Nisan. 1


Ta'anis, 2a: It teaches us that the key to rain lies in the Hands of Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu and is not handed to a Shali'ach. 2


Bava Basra, 25b: It is only when Yisrael do His will and are living in their land that Hashem sends rain from His good storehouse - but not (nowadays) when, they are not living in their land. 3


Hinted in the word 'Mafte'ach', which is the acronym of Matar, Parnasah, Techiyah and Chayah Commentaries). And when the Gemara in Ta'anis 2a says that there are only three, it omits Parnasah, because it is synonymous with rain.


See Torah Temimah, note 15.


See Torah Temimah, note 18. Refer also to 28:2:0.1:1.


Why does the Torah write "Yiftach Hashem l'cha (singular) here and "Hin'ni Mamtir Hashem lachem (plural) Lechem" in Beshalach Sh'mos, 16:4?"


Ta'anis, 9a: Because Hashem will send rain on behalf of an individual who needs it, but Parnasah only on behalf of the community. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 16.


Why does the the word "eis Kol Ma'aseh Yadech"?


Ta'anis, 5b: To teach us the greatness of the day of rain, when even a P'rutah in the purse (which has no direct connection with the rain - Rashi) is blessed! 1


See also Torah Temiah, note 19.


Having said "Vehilvisa Goyim Rabim", why does the Torah add "ve'Atah Lo Silveh.*


Oznayim la'Torah: Sometimes poor people borrow money on low interest in or to lend it on high interest. But when Hashem blesses Yisrael, they will be so wealthy that all the money that they lend the Nochrim on interest will be their own.


Or ha'Chayim: It is the way of wealthy people to lend one another money; today Re'uven lends Shimon, tomorrow, Shimon will lend Reuven. But when Yisrael do the will of Hashem, they will be so wealthy that they will be able to lend the nations witthout ever needing to borrow from them.


What are the connotations of "be'Ito"?


Rashi: Refer to 11:14:2:1, 11:14:2:2 & 11:14:3:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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