
Why, in Pesukim 17 &18, does the Torah reverse the order of the K'lalos ("Tan'acha u'Mish'artecha") and then the children from the B'rachos in Pesukim 4 & 5 (First the children and then "Tan'acha u'Mish'artecha")?


Ramban: Because with regard to the B'rachos, it first mentions the B'rachah of children who are more important than one's property, whereas by the K'lalos, it begins with the fruit of the tree, which is less important. 1


Ramban: And it is by the same token that, regarding the B'rachos, it first mentions the enemy fleeing, which is a major prerequisite for dwelling safely among the nations, before the blessing of the storehouses, whereas by the K'lalos, it reverses the order, since fleeing before the enemy is the ultimate punishment, which is followed by Galus.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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