
What is "Al Asher Lo Yada"?


Radak: It means El Asher Lo Yada (to one who does not know). Also "va'Yelech Elkanah ha'Ramasah Al Beiso" (Shmuel I, 2:11) is like El Beiso, "va'Tispalel Al Hashem" (ibid., 1:10) is like El Hashem


If one who knows how to read says that he cannot read it, why do they give it to one who does not know how to read?


Rashi: They took the Sefer and opened the seal.


Malbim: The verse asks this - [since even one who can read, he cannot read this], how will a commoner read it, even if the seal is removed and the letter is opened?! He does not know the language!


What is the significance of giving it to one who does not know how to read?


Rashi (from Shocher Tov 36:8): When you put a Shevu'ah on the Sar (angel appointed over) fire, he will say 'I cannot, for the matter is sealed from me.' When you put a Shevu'ah on his colleague, he will say 'I do not recognize this name with which you put a Shevu'ah on me, for it is not my name. So Yirmeyah said (21:4) "Hineni Mesev Es Klei ha'Milchamah Asher b'Yedchem" - this is Hashem's explicit name.


Radak: The fools make an excuse 'we do not understand Elokim's words. When one says to Chachamim 1 (they do not know, for) their Chachamim and Nevi'im make them err! It turns out that no one reads the Sefer - not Chachamim and not the fools.


Malbim: They think that Nevu'ah is said to a Navi in parables and riddles, sealed - "ha'Lo Memashel Meshalim Hu" (Yechezkel 21:5). Even though the Navi is a Chacham and understands every vision, he cannot know the content of the Nevu'ah, because it is covered with riddles and hints. All the more so a commoner cannot understand. Even if it were not in riddles, he cannot understand elevated matters that come from above. They say that no one can understand Hashem's words - "Lo Isai Anash Al Yaveshta Di Milas Malka Yuchal Lehachavayah" (Daniel 2:10).


We adopt Kli Paz' text.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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