Which Cheilev of the ram of Milu'im is the Torah referring to?
Rashi: It is refers either to the Cheilev of the intestines or to that of the stomach. 1
Subject to a Machlokes Tana'im in Zevachim (See Sifsei Chachamim).
What is the definition of the Alyah?
The Alyah of a goat and of an ox are not brought on the Mizbe'ach (Rashi).
As the Torah indicates in Vayikra, 3:9 (Rashi).
Since when is the right calf of a Shelamim burnt?
Why was the right thigh of the Eil Milu'im burned?
Seforno: Because it corresponded to the right hand 1 of the Kohen, whom the Eil Milu'im was coming to inaugurate.
Moshav Zekenim (in Pasuk 30): In order to avoid Nosar - bearing in mind that Moshe was the only one who could eat it, and the chest was sufficient for him to eat each day. 2
See Menachos, 10a (Seforno).
This does not concur with the Riva who mainains that this was not a consideration - Refer to 29:22:151:1, here every day, there was he Chazah ve'Shok of seventeen animals, including two bulls, and a whole goat (he Chatas) for Aharon and (after the first day) only two sons to eat them (PF).
Seeing as both the chest and the right calf are given to the Kohen, why here, did Hashem pick for Himself the right calf, and alot the chest to Moshe (the Kohen)?
Oznayim la'Torah: Because the chest which contains more meat, tastier, so Hashem gave him the better portion 1 - to teach us to go in His ways and when giving, to give with a generous eye.
Since in this case, the Chazeh ve'Shok belonged to Hashem, and He was the One who was giving.
What is the Torah coming to explain when it writes "ki Eil Milu'im hu"?
Rashi: It is explaining us that the Eil Milu'im is like a Shelamim. Therefore, the chest went to Moshe, who was the Kohen who offered it. 1
Seforno: It is explaining why the right thigh was burned. 2
Why does the Torah refer to the ram of the Shelamim as "Eil ha'Milu'im"?
Rashi: "Milu'im" (Malei) which is an expression of Sh'leimus, is synonymous with Shelamim. And the Torah is teaching us here that the current Korban is in fact, a Shelamim, because; like a regular Shelamim, it made peace between the Mizbe'ach, 1 the 'Kohen' 2 who performed the Avodah and the owners. 3
Rashi writes that the right calf was burned with the Emurim, and adds that it was a Shelamim. In that case, Moshe should have received it?
Riva: It was only burned on the first day. On the other days of the Milu'im, Moshe did indeed receive it. 1