What is the meaning of "Nishpat"?
Rashi: [The Chacham] argues with [the Evvil].
Malbim: An Evvil casts doubts on the laws of Chachmah, and does not believe them. A Chacham who argues with a Kesil, who knows the laws of Chachmah, but he is estranged from them due to his desire, he gets angry at him, for he intentionally sins against the laws of Chachmah. If he argues with a Pesi, who veers from the laws of Chachmah because he does not understand them, he smiles at him until he makes him understand them. If he argues with an Evvil, on the one hand he is angry, for even though he makes the Evvil understand the laws of Chachmah, the Evvil does not accept them, for he casts doubt in them. On the other hand the Chacham smiles, for the Evvil does not transgress b'Mezid, only because he is unsure, and he cannot resolve his doubts, for there are no proofs of Da'as for the laws of Chachmah.
Why does it say "v'Ein Nachas"?
Rashi, from Sanhedrin 103a: Whether he shows to him an angry face or a smiling face, there is no contentment in this. We find that Hashem 'smiled' at Amatziyah, and gave Edom into his hands, and when he returned from striking them, "va'Yavei Es Elohei