What are the implications of "Kol Meleches Avodah"?
Rosh Hashanah, 29a: It precludes removing bread from the oven (in which it is has been baked) and blowing the Shofar, which are considered a Chochmah and not a Melachah. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 1.
What is the main objective of blowing the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah?
Targum Yonasan: To confuse the Satan ? to prevent him from prosecuting us for our sins. 1
Ramban (in Vayikra 23:24 and Bamidbar, 10:6): It is a day of judgement, but tempered with mercy - Teru'ah corresponds to Midas ha'Din and a Teki'ah (which represents Midas ha'Rachamim) always precedes and another one follows it. 2
Ibn Ezra (Vayikra 23:24): It is Yom ha'Din; the Shofar hints to Hashem's Sovereignty.
Refer to Vayikra 23:24:2:3 & 5 and to Vayikra 23:24:2:5**.
RS"R Hirsh: It is to place fear into our hearts and call us to repent and return to our Master. This sound will penetrate every heart!
What are the implications of "Yom Teru'ah"?
What are the connotations of the word "Teru'ah"?
Rosh Hashanah, 33b: Based on Targum Onkelos (and Targum Yonasan) - 'Yom Yebava ... ', in conjunction with the Pasuk in Shoftim, 5:28 ?Vateyabev Eim Sisra? - it means a broken blast, which according to some, is a Shevarim (three semi-short blasts), and according to others, is a Teru'ah (nine short blasts). 1
See Torah Temimah, citing Rosh Hashanah, Ibid. and note 9.
What is the (otherwise superfluous) word "Yom Teruah Yih'yeh" coming to include?
Yerushalmi Rosh Hashanah, Sukah, 3:1: It includes a Shofar of Avodas-Kochavim and a Shofar of Ir ha'Nidachas (which are otherwise Asur be'Hana'ah). 1
See Torah Temimah, note 11, who cites the Bavli and elaborates.
Why does the Torah write "Yom Teru'ah" here and "Zichron Teru'ah" in Emor Vayikra, 23:24?
Refer to Vayikra 23:24:2:1-6.