
Why did he want a Navi?


Malbim: (a) To pray to Hashem for water. (b) To tell them their way (what to do).


Why was Elisha with them?


Radak: He had a Nevu'ah to go with them, to show them this great miracle. Perhaps Melech Yisrael will repent from his evil way. They did not know that Elisha is with them; he went amidst the people.


Why did he mention that Elisha poured water on Eliyahu's hands?


Rashi citing Eliyahu Rabah 17: This was at the episode on Har ha'Karmel. Eliyahu's fingers became like springs, and the trench was filled. Therefore Elisha is proper that a miracle with water be done for us via him!


Radak (based on Brachos 7b): It means that he served him. It does not say that he learned from him. This teaches that serving [a Rebbi] is greater than learning from him 1 !


Radak citing a Midrash: Even if Eliyahu requested water 2 , he would give it to him.


Malbim: Through pouring water on Eliyahu's hands, rain came 3 . He is habituated to such miracles, to bring water to the thirsty!


This is unlike Eliyahu Rabah 17, which explains that he mentioned pouring water to show why it is proper that a miracle with water be done via Elisha (refer to 3:11:3:1)! (PF)


I.e. do not say that Elisha only served Eliyahu for major matters, and he would tell other Talmidim to do small matters for Eliyahu. (PF)


I.e. at Har ha'Karmel. Malbim explains unlike Eliyahu Rabah (refer to 3:11:3:1), for rain is more relevant to the current need than the miracle of filling the trench. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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