
What is the Nimshal?


Rashi: You (Yisrael) are no longer proper for me, like a divorcee who was to another man. Radak - in many places, especially in Yechezkel, verses compare Yisrael to Hashem's wife, and serving idolatry of the nations is like Zenus.


Malbim: After Hashem divorced Yisrael due to their sins, and also they separated from Him and chose another man (gods of the nations of the land), how can they return to Him?!


Why does it say "Chanof Techenaf ha'Aretz"?


Radak: You make the land sin 1 , like it says about Machzir Gerushaso "Ki So'evah Hi Lifnei Hashem v'Lo Sachati Es ha'Aretz" (Devarim 24:4).


Malbim: The land claims that Hashem cannot accept Yisrael in Teshuvah after they abandoned Him and served idolatry, like the Isur of Machzir Gerushaso.


This is unlike "va'Techenaf Es ha'Aretz" (verse 9). (PF)


What is the meaning of "Zanis Re'im Rabim"?


Rashi: You were Mezanah with many lovers.


Malbim: Hashem answers, Machzir Gerushaso is forbidden only if she married another man, but not if she was Mezanah. Yisrael did not cling to one idolatry. They went from nation to nation and mimicked them. This is like a woman who was Mezanah with many men, without marriage; they can return to Me via Teshuvah.


Why did He say "v'Shuv Elai"?


Rashi: Even so, I want you to return to Me.


Radak: After going to other husbands, how can you return to Me?! Even if you repent, you can return to Me only after you are exiled from your land and dwell there many years, until you forget your first sin, and idolatry will not cross your mind again. After this, you will return to Me and I will return to you.


Malbim: Refer to 3:1:3:3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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