
What will happen to the strong and the warriors?


Radak: They will die via the sword 1 in the field.


Perhaps he learns from verse 25. (PF)


Why does it say "Gibor" and also "Ish Milchamah"?


Radak (3, citing Chagigah 14a): Gibor knows teachings. "Ish Milchamah" knows to contest in the war of Torah.


Malbim: "Gibor" is strong, like Shimshon, a big support; "Ish Milchamah" is one who knows war tactics - a small support.


Who are Shofet, Navi, Kosem and Zaken?


Radak: These are four honored people in the nation. Yonason translates "Navi" as 'Sofer', i.e. he warns the nation, and "Kosem" as Mishta'el, i.e. someone that people ask the future from him, like an astrologer.


Radak (3, citing Chagigah 14a): Shofet judges a case to the true verdict. Navi is understood simply. Kosem is the king - "Kesem Al Sifsei Melech" (Mishlei 16:10). Zaken is proper to sit in (head) a Yeshivah.


Malbim: They are leaders. Shoftim judge conflicts between people; he is a big support, e.g. Yehoshua, a Shofet Kelali (for the entire nation). Zaken is smaller - a small support. Nevi'im straighten people [in their obligations] towards Hashem (a big support); Kosem knows the future via astrology - a small support.


What will happen to Shofet, Navi, Kosem and Zaken?


Radak: They will die in the city due to hunger and plague. These are four honored people in the nation.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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