What is "Tel Aviv"?
Why does it say that they dwell "El Nehar Kevar"?
Radak: It means Al Nehar Kevar.
It is written va'Asher, and we pronounce it va'Eshev!
Radak: Ka'asher (when) I saw that they are dwelling there, va'Eshev (I dwelled) there.
Radak, from Targum Yonasan: Here it means 'I descended'; the other va'Eshev in the verse means 'I dwelled', like the simple meaning. The pronunciation is like the simple meaning - I dwelled like they dwelled. The Kesiv va'Asher strengthens the matter.
What is "Mashmim"?
Rashi: It is dumbfounded (speechless, amidst astonishment).
Radak: I was astonished and bewildered.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I was silent. Malbim - even though I dwelled among them, I did not say my words (Nevu'ah), for I did not get Devar Hashem in detail.