
Who should hear?


Radak: The Nevi'im should hear this decree and inform Beis Yakov before it comes.


Malbim: This explains the third introduction - "ha'Sipol Tzipor Al Pach ha'Aretz u'Mokesh Ein Lah" (5). They who fell in the trap of Melech Ashur, there must be a Mokesh ? the reason why they were caught in the trap. Hoshe'a explained "va'Yhi Efrayim k'Yonah Posah Ein Lev Mitzrayim Kara'u Ashur Halachu; Ka'asher Yelechu Efros Aleihem Rishti k'Of ha'Shamayim Oridem" (7:11-12). Hoshe'a ben Elah was caught in Melech Ashur's trap; Hoshe'a went to him after he sent messengers to Melech Mitzrayim to request help against Melech Ashur. I explained there that the snare of the trap, it trapped his nation. Because Hoshe'a wanted to abolish service of the calves, a group in Yisrael opposed him and slandered him to Melech Ashur, that he wants to rebel and take refuge in the shade of Egypt. The primary snare was serving the calves; they were punished due to this. The Nevi'im should hear this, and inform Beis Yakov!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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