
What is "Tachas Aven"?


Rashi: It is sin found in Yisrael. Radak #2 ? due to this, Kushan Rish'asayim came against me in my land.


Radak #1: The tents of Kushan Rish'asayim and Midyan are in a place where they will not last (Hashem will save Yisrael miraculously, via Osni'el ben Kenaz and Gid'on).


Malbim: This begins to explain "Eloka mi'Teiman Yavo" (3). At the time of the Ge'ulah, there will be miracles above nature. Those who were exiled in darkness - the 10 tribes, who were exiled past the rivers of Kush, will return with strength ? "me'Ever l'Naharei Chush Asarai Bas Putzi Yovilun Minchasi" (Tzefanyah 3:10). This will begin the Aven and breakage of Bnei Kush, who were next to these who were cast off.


What is the significance of "Ahalei Kushan"?


Rashi: [The tents of Kushan Rish'asayim's army] stand in the open and wound Yisrael.


Malbim: Refer to 3:7:1:3.


What do we learn from "Yirgezun Yeri'os Eretz Midyan"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan 1 : When Yisrael are humbled in front of You?


Radak #1: The tents of curtains of Eretz Midyan. They were agitated when Gid'on came against them, like it says in the [Midyanite's] dream "v'Hine Tzelil Lechem Se'orim? v'Nafal ha'Ohel" (Shoftim 7:13).


Radak #2: When I repented, Hashem had mercy on me, and shook the curtains of Midyan via Gid'on. This is like Targum Yonasan 'when Yisrael served idolatry [He handed them over to Kushan?]'


Malbim: The 10 tribes will return to Eretz Yisrael via the nation of Yishmael, and will fight them. It is called Eretz Midyan, for Yishmaelim are called Midyanim ? "va'Ya'avru Anashim Midyanim? va'Yimeru Es Yosef l'Yishmaelim" (Bereishis 37:28). The Medanim sold him 2 . Also in Shoftim (8:24) it says about Midyan "Ki Yishmaelim Hem." They will agitate the lands of Yishmael, and fight an offensive war against them.


Our text of Yonason says 'when they returned to do [the commands of] Torah, You did miracles and great acts, and redeemed them from Midyan via Gid'on ben Yo'ash.' (PF)


"Veha'Medanim Machru Oso El Mitzrayim" (37:36). Why does Malbim bring this? Perhaps we learn that Yishmaelim are called Midyanim and Medanim (these were different sons of Keturah ? 25:2). (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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