Whom did the angel address?
Radak: The other angels standing in front of him. He was the greatest, and he sent them. Targum Yonasan calls them 'those who serve in front of him.'
Malbim: Those who are appointed under him.
What is the significance of removing his dirty garments?
Rashi: His sons will separate [from] their wives, and he will be forgiven.
Malbim (7): In the days of the Chashmona'im, there was prosecution against their Kehunah; Hashem pardoned their sin and dressed them with nice outfits.
What do we learn from "He'evarti me'Alecha Avonecha"?
Rashi: Refer to 3:4:2:1.
Radak: Once the sin is removed, your merits will be seen (clean garments).
Malbim #1: They should remove his Pesha (intentional sin) and atone for Chatas (Shogeg). He should not be punished for his sons' sin.
Malbim #2: His sons divorced their wives. The sins that were on you from outside (via your sons) like garments, which are external.
What are "Machalatzos"?
Rashi: They are nice outfits, i.e. merits. Since sin was depicted as dirty garments, merits are called nice white garments. Radak ? Targum Yonasan is, I will dress you with merits.