
Why does it say "Le'aves Adam b'Rivo"?


Rashi: Also this "was not mi'Libo" (33, from His desire; our sins caused everything).


Why does it say "Hashem Lo Ra'ah"?


Rav Sadya Gaon, Rid: It is not seen (proper) in His eyes.


Rashi #1: It did not cross His mind to do so.


Rashi #2: It was not proper in His eyes that the supreme Beis Din make crooked [judgment of] man in his quarrel. This is like "Mah Ra'isa Ki Asisa" (Bereishis 20:10), "u'Mah Ra'u Al Kachah" (Esther 9:26).


Ibn Ezra #1: He did not see with Chachmah that it should be so.


Ibn Ezra #2: This is like 'Lo Hayah.' Whatever exists, Hashem sees it!


Ri Kara: He did not choose. This is like "Hishamer Lecha Pen Ta'aleh Olosecha b'Chol Makom Asher Tir'eh" (Devarim 12:13) - where you will choose. We learn this from the next verse "Ki Im "b'Makom Asher Yivchar Hashem." This is like 'Ro'eh Ani Es Devarecha' (Rosh Hashanah 25a).


Palgei Mayim: Do you think that all the crookedness that Nebuchadnetzar did to the entire world, Hashem did not see it?! You are forced to say that all is from Him, to punish; Nebuchadnetzar was His staff of anger.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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