
Why does it say "Gam Ki Ez'ak"?


Ri Kara: Do not say that there is hope that I will pray, and He will remove me from my captivity, for His Midah is "Lehotzi mi'Masger Asir mi'Beis Kele Yoshevei Choshech" (Yeshayah 42:7). "He sealed my Tefilah!"


How did Hashem seal his Tefilah?


Rav Sadya Gaon: He blocked me from [being able to find the proper words of 1 ] Tefilah.


Rashi: He sealed the windows of Shamayim in front of it.


Palgei Mayim: Because He made my deeds Tamei (refer to 3:7:3:2), my Tefilah is not Tahor, and it cannot ascend.


I.e. He does not merely block acceptance of my Tefilah (the Magihah in Toras Chayim).


Why is Satam spelled with a Sin?


Ibn Ezra: We find like this, e.g. "Hasiru v'Lo Yadati" (Hoshe'a 8:4) has a Sin in place of a Samech.


R. Avigdor: Anyone who prays with the Tzibur, even a Rasha, his Tefilah is heard. Anyone who does not pray with the Tzibur, his deeds are detailed (inspected, to see if he deserves to be answered). Satam with a Sin is like Shas (He put) my sins in front of my Tefilah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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