
How will Hashem rejoice over us ?


Seforno: Like it says in Vayikra 26:12, "Vehis'halachti be'Soch'chem Vehayisi lachem l'Elokim ve'Atem Tih'yu Li le'Am!" 1


Refer to Vayikra, 26:12:1:1.


What are the connotations of the latter half of the Pasuk?


Seforno: The above will take place when Hashem will rejoice over you on your own merit 1 like he rejoiced over your fathers on their merit.


Seforno: Because, if you repent with all your heart and Soul, your sins will be considered merits, and you will be pleasing to Him like your fathers were.


Why does the Torah write here "be'Seifer ha'Torah ha'Zeh" and in 28:61 "be'Seifer ha'Torah ha'Zos"?


Rashi: Refer to 28:61:1:1.


Why does the Torah mention Teshuvah three times in this Parshsh - in Pasuk 3, 6 and 10 - each time inserting "be'Chol Levavcha u've'Chol Nafshecha"?


Oznayim la'Torah: The first time, which refers to after they return from Galus, is referring to Teshuvah mi'Yir'ah, the second time, to Teshuch me'Ahavah - but with the help of Hashem - as is evident from the Pasuk itself; whereas the third time is referring to where Yisrael do Teshuvah on their own volition.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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