Was Yaakov really obligated to go to such lengths to guard Lavan's flocks?
Bava Metzia 93b: 'How far is a Shomer Sachar (someone who guards for payment) obligated to guard? To the point of 'I was consumed by the heat in the day and by frost in the night!' 1
See Torah Temimah (note 7), who elaborates.
Why did Yaakov say, "va'Yom Achalani Chorev... va'Tidad Shenasi me'Einai"?
Tosfos ha'Shalem (1,2): I did not sleep normally, nor take refuge from the sun in cracks in rocks, like other Shomerim. How could you suspect me of theft?!
Rashi writes: "'Shenasi' - my sleep." What is Rashi explaining?
Gur Aryeh: Although the root of "Shena" (sleep) is Yud-Shin-Nun, the letter Yud falls out, as it commonly does.