
What is "b'Yad Eil Goyim"?


Rashi: In the hand of the harshest of Goyim, Nebuchadnetzar. In his first year, he conquered Ninveh 1 (Megilah 11b). Radak ? this is like Seder Olam. In easterners' texts, there is a Yud in Eil; it is like "v'Es Eilei ha'Aretz Lakach" (13:13) ? the strong ones. The same applies to westerners' texts, which do not have a Yud.


Malbim: In the hand of Nebuchadnetzar, the strongest Goy, and the Goyim consider him to be a god. Also Nebuchadnetzar is compared to a great cedar ? "Hashem Tzevakos Mesa'ef Purah b'Ma'aratzah; ? veha'Levanon b'Adir Yipol" (Yeshayah 10:33-34). Hashem Himself cut him off, and via an Adir (angel). Then, he was not yet expelled, and his kingship endured. Now that I expelled him, I did not hand him over to angels, rather, to Goyim.


"Va'Yisa va'Yelech va'Yashav Sancheriv Melech Ashur va'Yeshev b'Ninveh" (Yeshayah 37:37).


What do we learn from "Aso Ya'aseh Lo k'Rish'o"?


Rashi: Nebuchadnetzar will do to [Ashur] as he desires.


Malbim: I handed over [Melech Ashur] to a Rasha like himself.


To what does "k'Rish'o" apply?


Radak: It applies to what came before ("Aso Ya'aseh Lo") and what is after ("Gerashtihu").

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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