
What sparked off Moshe's anger?


Shabbos, 64a: He thought that they had returned to the sin of Shitim, by bringing back the women with whom they had sinned (Pasuk 16). And when they replied that not one of the soldiers had sinned, 1 he asked them why they then required an atonement, 2


See Torah Temimah, note 13.


See Torah Temimah, note 14. Shabbos (Ibid.): To which they replied that, if they had not sinned in deed, they had been guilty of indecent thoughts.


Why did Moshe, Elazar and the Nesi'im all go out to meet the troops as they returned from the battle-field?


Rashi: Because they saw the boys running out to grab some of the spoil. 1


Rashbam: To prevent them from entering the camp, seeing as they were all Tamei Meis.


Presumably, this will also explain why the Torah inserts this Pasuk ? after the reference to the various types of spoil ? in spite of having already stated that they brought all the spoil to Moshe and Aharon.


Why did the soldiers need to be purified?


Rashi: Refer to 31:19:1.1:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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