
What is the definition of "Baz"? Why does the Torah mention it here?


Rashi (in Pasuk 11) and Seforno: (It refers to the spoil that they took from the houses - Seforno), and the Pasuk is saying that the tax on the Sh'vi and the Malko'ach did not take into account the Baz, 1 which the soldiers took for themselves, and which was not included in the tax. 2


See Pasuk 53.


Refer to 31:11:2:1.


Bearing in mind that in Pasuk 26, the Torah mentions Adam before Beheimah (as one would expect), why does it switch the order here?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because, whereas Pasuk 26 lists them before they were counted, here it lists them after they were counted, and, since it lists them progressively, and the captives were the smallest in number, it mentions them last. 1


See Oznayim la'Torah. By the same token, in Pasuk 47 he explains that the Pasuk there mentions Adam first - because the Torah does mention the numbers there.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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