
Rashi (in Pasuk 11) writes that they were all Tzadikim, who were not suspected of taking any of the spoil for themselves. But here the Torah writes "Baz'zu Ish lo"?


Rashi, Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim: Refer to 31:11:2:1.


Moshav Zekenim: They took Metaltelin for themselves, but when they returned to the camp, everyone placed everything that he took in front of Moshe. 1 Moshe in turn, returned to each one the Metaltelim that he brought, 2 but divided the Malko'ach among them.


Moshav Zekenim: As implied in Pasuk 12 "va'Yavi'u ... ve'es ha'Shalal."


Moshav Zekenim: Since the Torah does not mention a division of Metaltelin.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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