What are the implications of "Lako'ach es Seifer ha'Torah ha'Zeh"?
Where did they place the Seifer Torah that Moshe wrote?
Rashi: The Chachamim argue in Bava Basra, 14b, as to whether they fixed a board on to the outside of the Aron (R. Yehudah), on which they placed it, 1 or whether they placed it inside the Aron (at the side - R. Meir).
Ramban: He placed it inside the Aron at the side. 2
Da'as Zekenim, Rosh (citing the Ramban, both citing a Midrash), Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: He placed it next to the Aron 3 (on the right hand side in a box - Targum Yonasan).
On what did the Seifer Torah testify?
Seforno: It testified (throughout the ages) 1 that Hashem knew in advance that they would forsake His Torah, 2 and that it would corroborate everything that is written in in Sifrei Torah of Tzadikim of the generation - a proof that, word for word, that is what Hashem told Moshe at Sinai.
Oznayim la'Torah: It would testify that this is the authentic text - to counter any attempts to make any changes to it - to fit in with the times. Hence it was placed in the safest of locations where it could not be tampered with.
Why did Moshe need to inform Yisrael that he knew in advance that they would sin?
Rashbam: Refer to 31:21:1:1*.
Seforno: So that Yisrael should attribute the ensuing punishments to their sins and not to chance.