Why did he discuss the wonders in Egypt?
Malbim: He begins to explain the three kinds of conduct. The first is natural laws that He fixed at the time of the creation [and changes them when He wants to].
What is "Ad ha'Yom ha'Zeh"?
Radak: People know Your wonders [even] until now.
Malbim: The signs and wonders did not depart in every generation.
What is the meaning of "uv'Yisrael uva'Adam"?
Rashi #1: [In Yisrael and] in others (Goyim).
Rashi #2 (from Shochar Tov 27): You made wonders based on what is proper for Yisrael and the Egyptians, e.g. "va'Yhi he'Anan veha'Choshech va'Ya'er Es ha'Laylah" (Shemos 14:20). The same Mazal that made darkness for the Egyptians made light for Yisrael.
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: For Yisrael You did wonders amidst people [of other nations].
Radak: You make signs and wonders in Yisrael, and in others for the sake of Yisrael.
Malbim: Both Yisrael and other nations recognized Your wonders.
How did Hashem make a name for Himself?
Radak: Via Your signs and wonders people know You, Bal Korcham (against their will).
Malbim: You are the Creator and Supervisor. You have the ability, Chachmah and desire.