
To whom will they speak?


Rashi: They will speak about [Pharaoh] and his helpers.


Radak: When Pharaoh descends to the grave, the powerful Goyim will speak to him and his helpers. Their strength did not help them! The verse does not say what they will speak with him. It relies on the person to understand. It is like Yeshayah said about Melech Bavel "v'Yomeru Elecha Gam Atah Chalisa Chamonu" (Yeshayah 14:10).


Malbim: They will speak on behalf of Pharaoh, with his helpers, that they should draw the sword to the grave. I.e. they should kill Bnei Edom.


What is the meaning of "Elei Giborim mi'Toch She'ol"?


Rashi: They are the powerful Goyim in She'ol. The verse should be re-arranged. Yedaberu Lo Es Ozerav, i.e. they will speak about him with (i.e. and) his helpers. Whenever it says Lo, Li, Lahem? after Dibur, it means Al (speaking about the person).


To whom does "Yardu Shachevu ha'Arelim Chalelei Cherev" refer?


Radak: His helpers, who descended and lied with the Arelim killed via the sword.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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