What is the significance of angering their hearts?
Rashi, Targum Yonasan: He will make their hearts agitated and terrified.
Radak: Their hearts will be angry at you, amidst fear for themselves.
Malbim: When [Melech Bavel] left [Egypt], he inundated many nations around [Egypt].
What shards will Hashem bring to other lands?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Those broken in your war. Radak #1 ? i.e. the men broken and stricken.
Radak #2: I will bring to their ears the report of your breakage, and they will hear.
Why does it mention "Amim" and "Goyim"?
Malbim: Goyim are lower; they have no king. Amim are more esteemed; they have a king. Initially Amim were angry; they have a king. Via Egypt's breakage, it spread to lowly Goyim that were under Egypt. They fell, and their land was destroyed.
What do we learn from "Al Aratzos Asher Lo Yedatem"?
Malbim: From the Goyim, Kasdim troops spread to distant lands.