
Seeing as Gad and Reuven said "le'Mikneinu Poh ve'Arim le'Tapeinu", why, in Pasuk 24, did Moshe reverse the order?


Rashi: Moshe was rebuking them for being more concerned about their property than aboiut their children - by mentioning pens for their flocks before towns for their children. 1 By inverting the order, he taught them the correct order of priorities.


Rashi (in Mishlei, 20:21): ' "An inheritance that begins with confusion" - such as that of the B'nei Gad and the B'nei Reuven, who rushed to take their portion ... , rendering the main thing, their children, secondary, by placing their sheep before their children - "will ultimately not be blessed" - which is why they went into exile before the other tribes.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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