Who was "Novach"?
Ramban: He was the son of Ya'ir. 1
What is the meaning of "Vayikra lah Novach bi'Shemo"?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means that Novach changed the name of K'nas to 'Novach' after his own name.
Ramban: It means that Novach changed the name of K'nas to 'Chavos Ya'ir' - because he was the son of Ya'ir.
Why does the word "Vayikra lah Novach" not have a Mapik (a dot in the) 'Hey'?
Rashi (citing R. Moshe ha'Darshan): Because the name did not last. 1
Rashi: As if it was written 'Lo' (with an 'Alef'), meaning 'not'. Rashi however, queries this explanation. Refer to 32:42:152:1.
Rashi writes that "lah" does not have a Mapik 'Hey' because the name did not last, and he asks how we will explain two similar Pesukim - "va'Yomer lah Bo'az" (Rus 2:14) and "Livnos lah Vayis" (Zecharyah 5:11)?
Riva and Rosh #1: "Vayomer lah Bo'az": Rus had said (in the previous Pasuk) "I am not [esteemed even] like one of your maidservants" - to which Bo'az replied 'No - [you are] like one of the Imahos'. 1 ("Livnos lah Bayis" - With reference to haughtiness - the poverty of Torah that came to Bavel, the Pausk means that they sought to build, but did not succeed in building - Riva). 2
Rosh #2: Some say that the word "lah" without a Mapik 'Hey' teaches us that Bo'az did not speak to her directly but via a Shali'ach. 3