What is the meaning of "Yimtza'eihu be'Eretz Midbar"?
Rashi #! and Seforno: It means that Hashem found Yisrael faithful in the desert 1 (when they accepted His Torah, His Kingship and His yoke - Rashi). 2
Rashi #2 (citing Targum Onkelos) and Da'as Zekenim #1: It means that Hashem provided all their needs in a desert land (the well, the quails, their lothes did not wear ot and their feet did not swell - Da'as Zekenim). 3
Da'as Zekenim #2: It means that there in the desert, they found a 'great Metzi'ah' - the Torah.
Targum Yonasan: It means that Hashem came across them encamped in a desert land'.
Seforno: As the Pasuk testifies in Yirmiyah, 2:2 "Lechtech Acharai ba'Midbar". See also Oznayim la'Torah, who explains that beforehsnd, whilst they were still in Egypt, Hashem did not consider them His people, since they worshipped Avodah Zarah.
Rashi: Which Yishmael and the inhabitants of Se'ir declined to do, as hinted in Devarim 33:2.
What is the meaning of "ve'Sohu Yeleil Yeshimon"? What is it referring to?
Rashi: 'The howling of the hayenas and the ostriches in a desolate land' - Even there Yisrael proved loyal; They followed Moshe into the desert and did not query the choice of location'. 1
Targum Onkelos: ' ... in a place where there is thirst, because there is no water'.
Targum Yonasan: ' ... in a place where demons and spirits howl'.
Da'as Zekenim #1: Refer to 32:10:1:2. Even there, in the empty, desolate desert region, where only howling hayenas and ostriches are to be found.
Da'as Zekenim #2: Refertto 32:10:1:3. Before the Torah waas given, the world was (spiritually) dark and desolate like night-time. 2
Rashi: As the Pasuk testifies in Yirmiyah, 2:2 "Lechtech Acharai ba'MIdbar".
Da'as Zskenim: And when the Torah was given, it lit-up - as the Pasuk writes in MIshlei, 7:23 "Ki Ner Mitzvah ve'Torah Or".
What did Hashem surround them with?
Rashi: He surrounded them with (the seven - Targum Yonasan) clouds of glory 1 (and with four camps in all four directions and underneath the Mountain, which He held above their heads [at the time of Matan Torah].
Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos): He encamped them around His Shechinah' - the Ohel Mo'ed in the middle and the four camps on all four sides.
Rashbam: He surrounded them with angels who protected them. 2 .
Seforno: It refers to fencing off Har Sinai. 3
What is the meaning of "Yevoneneihu"?
Rashi: It means that He gave them to understand Torah and knowledge.
Seforno: It means that He gave them to understand Torah and Mitzvos. 1
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: It is an expression of Binyan (building) and understanding. He gave to them [understanding in] Torah, and built the Mishkan among them.
As in Devarim 24:12.
What did He guard them against?
Rashi: He guarded them against snakes, fiery serpents, scorpions and the nations.
Rashbam: "Yitzrenhu" is a repetition of "Yesovevenhu" (He surrounded them)..
Seforno: 'He guarded them against the subjection of Egypt and of the nations and against the Angel of Death. 1
Da'as Zekenim: He guarded them from the nations and Amalek.
Seforno, citing Eruvin, 54a, commenting on the Pasuk in Sh'mos (32:16) "Charus al ha'Luchos".
What is the definition of "Ishon Eino"?
Rashi: It is the black of the eye 1 (the pupil) from which light emanates (from which one sees).
Rashbam, Hadar Zekenim, Rosh and Seforno: It is the eyelid. 2
Whose eye is the Pasuk referring to?
Ramban: With reference to the "hu" in "Yitzrenhu", it means that Hashem guards them like they guard their eyes. Alternatively, it is as if the Torah had added the word "ke'Ish" - 'Hashem guards them like a man guards the pupil of his eye.'