What is the meaning of "Yakni'uhu be'Zarim"?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means that they aroused His ire and His jealousy (by worshipping Avodah Zarah - Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan).
What were the "To'evos" with which they angered Hasham?
Rashi, Da'as Zekenim, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: 'Abominable practices 1 (such as homosexuality and witchcraft - Rashi [such as Gezel and Arayos - Da'as Zekenim]). 2
Rashi: In connection with both of which the Torah uses the word "To'evah". Seforno: And this caused Hashem to remove His Shechinah from Yisrael - to be like all the other nations.
Da'as Zekenim: In connection with which the Torah write "ha'To'avos ha'eil" Vayikra 18:27. (That Pasuk discusses Arayos. The Torah calls false measures [which are used to steal] 'To'evah' in Ki Seitzei, 25:16 (PF).