
What is the meaning of "Ki Lo ke'Tzureinu Tzuram"? Who said it?


Rashi #1: Moshe is commenting that all this the enemy ought to have realized - that until now, their gods were helpless against our G-d. 1 It must be that Hashem delivered us to them, so they should not attribute their victory to themselves and to their gods', 2 and that He is more powerful and capable of helping and rescuing (Yisrael) than their god. 3


Targum Yonasan: Moshe is testifying that the Rock of Yisrael, who punishes them when they sin, and when they spread out their hands in prayer, He answers them and rescues them, is not like the god of the nations, who is helpless.


Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim (27) and Rosh (in Pasuk 27): Because as long as we served Him, Hashem judged (punished) them and their gods!


Ramban; Moreover, it should have occurred to them that, seeing as they all sinned more than Yisrael, Hashem will ultimately bring upon them the same fate as that which befell Yisrael..


See Ramban.


What are the connotations of "ve'Oyveinu Pelilim"?


Rashi and Rashbam: 'And now our enemies are our judges', 1 (who judge and punish us - Rashbam).


Rashi #2 (in Mishpatim): It means that, when our enemies are our judges, it elevates the gods that they worship. 2


Ramban: It means that the nations should say that, initially our enemy Yisrael were judges to punish us as they pleased, and now, a thousand of them flee before one of us! 3


Seforno: It means that our enemies are profound thinkers (intelligent). 4


Targum Yonasan: It means that, because we sinned before Him and did not return to serve Him, our enemies became our witnesses and our judges'.


Refer to Sh'mos, 21:1:4:1**.


See Rashi in MIshpatim, 21:1 DH 'Lifneihem'.


Ramban: It must be because their G-d placed fear into their hearts, so that they flee even when nobody is chasing them.


Refer to 32:32:2:3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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