What are the connotations of "ha'Tzur Tamim Pa'alo"?
Rashi: In spite of Hashem's Might, He does not bring punishments on those who transgress His will with force, but according to the outcome of the judgment - because His work is perfect.
Ramban: 'Hashem's Midas ha'Din is perfect - Whatever emanates from Him is resolute and will never change. 1
Rashbam: 'When Hashem punishes, He is Righteous and correct - because we deserve it. 2
Seforno: Refer to 32:3:1:5. 'And you know that Hashem is a Rock that does not change who is not unable to save you and who is not hard of hearing (when you cry out to Him)'. 3
Targum Yonasan: 'Moshe the Navi said "When I ascended Har Sinai, I saw that the Master of the World, Hashem, had divided the day into four parts 4 : Three hours He studies Torah" '. 5
Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk 3) and Rosh #2: It is appropriate that you (the four winds, Heaven and earth - refer to 32:3:1:9) praise Hashem, since He is a rock, and all-powerful, and acts with purity, and does not show His strength (His anger - Rosh) to those who anger Him.
Why did the Torah juxtapose the Pasuk of Tziduk ha'Din to the previous Pesukim?
Rosh #1 (in Pasuk 1): Because when the angel of death came to take Moshe's Neshamah, Moshe told him that he wanted to praise Hashem ("Ki Shem Hashem Ekra"), and he proceeded to silence the heaven and the earth 1 ("Ha'azinu ha'Shamayim ve'ha'Aretz"), and the angel departed. When he came a second time, Moshe began to recite the Names of Hashem ("Ki Shem Hashem Ekra
What is the meaning of "Ki Chol Derachav Mishpat"?
Seforno: 'For His ways of goodness and His Midas ha'Din are all just, beyond a shadow of doubt.
Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 4): Since Hashem desires justice, everyone is paid for his good and bad deeds with ultimate precision. There is judgment for everything and there is no escape!
Bava Kama, 3a: Anyone who claims that Hashem forgives everything, his life will be Hefker, 3 becuse "all His ways are justice!"
What are the implications of "Keil Emunah"?
Rashi: It implies that He is a trustworthy G-d who can be relied upon to pay the Tzadikim for their righteousness in the world to come - even though He delays their remuneration, He will ultimately make His words come true.
Seforno: It implies that Hashem can be relied upon to carry out the promises that He swore to the Avos - that He will do good to their children on their merit.
Ta'anis, 11a: Just as Hashem punishes the Resha'im in the world to come - even for the smallest sin, so too, does He punish the Tzadikim for their smallest sins in this world. 2
What are the implications of "ve'Ein Avel"?
Rashi #1: It implies that He also pays the Resha'im the reward for their good deeds in this world.
Rashi #2 (in Ta'anis, 11a): It implies that Hashem does not do anything without true judgment and righteousness.
Seforno: It ipleis that when He brings punishment on the sinners, there is no injustice. .
Targum Yonasan: Refer to 32:4:1:5. Three hours He raises those who are low and lowers those who are high ("ve'Ein Avel"). 1
Ta'anis, 11a: It implies that, just as Hashem will reward the Tzadikim in the world to come for the smallest Mitzvah that they performed, so too, will He reward the Resha'im in this world, 2 even for the smallest Mitzvah.
What is the meaning of "Tzadik ve'Yashar Hu"?
Rashi #1: It means that He is Righteous and it is the right thing to do to declare His righteousness. 1
Rashi #2 (in Ta'anis, 11a): It means that He carries out Din on the Tzadikim to punish them in this world and does good and righteousnes to the wicked to pay all their good deeds in this world. 2
Seforno: It means that He loves righteousness, and in His righteousness He will not forsake His people - and He will not withhold the reward of any creature.
Targum Yonasan: Refer to 32:4:1:5. 'And three hours He sustains the world'.
Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk 3): It means that, even though He took revenge against Yisrael, before taking revenge against the nations that subjugated them, His judgment is righteous, and everythinf is done with righteousness and justification.
Ta'anis, 11a: When a person dies, all his deeds are mentioned - one by one - and they say to him 'This is what you did, in this and location and on this and this date!' and he replies 'Yes!'. He is Matzdik the Din on himself by declaring 'You judged me correctly!' 3
See also Ba'al ha'Turim.
Rashi: To drive them out of the world to come.
Ta'anis (Ibid.): As the Pasuk states in Tehilim, 51:6 "Lema'an Titzdak be'Dovrecha". See Torah Temimah, note 40.