
Each of the mothers bowed to Esav with her children. Why, by Rachel exclusively, does the Torah place Yosef before Rachel?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: Because, due to Rachel's exceptional beauty, Yosef stood in front of her, to hide her from Esav's prying eyes. 1


Rashbam: It is customary to mention the male before the female. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Esav had hoped that Yaakov would divorce Rachel because she was childless. So Yosef stood in front of her as a warning to Esav to keep away from his mother, since she now had a son and Yaakov would now be Moser Nefesh for her just like for his other wives.


Malbim: Yosef was still nursing; 3 Rachel was holding him. She bowed, and automatically Yosef 'bowed' with her.


Ha'amek Davar: The other sons bowed because their father said to. Yosef had his father's Midah to humble himself, and did so on his own. 4


Note how Esav first saw the women and then the children. Refer to 33:5:2:1. And it is to this incident that Yaakov referred, when he blessed Yosef with the words "Alei Ayin" (49:22; see Rashi there).


Above, in 33:2, it mentions Rachel before Yosef, because, for brevity's sake, it said "Leah and her children" (Rashbam). Presumably, that is also why it states "the Shefachos and their children" (in 33:6) and "Leah and her children" (in the current Pasuk).


What is his source to say so? He was six years old! R. Eliezer forbids after two years; R. Yehoshua permits 'up to four or five' if he did not cease (Kesuvos 60a). Tosfos and the Ritva (ibid.) prove that five is precise. And even R. Yonah, who disagrees, surely admits that it is very rare! (Also, Rachel longed for another son. Nursing normally impedes pregnancy! However, it seems that this did not apply to conception of the Shevatim - PF)


Harchev Davar: The Zohar says that Rachel was pregnant with Binyamin (refer to 31:35:151:2*). It was Hashgachah that Yosef go first, so Binyamin (a part of Rachel) would bow to Yosef, and not to Esav. (We do not say that the other sons bowed to their mothers. They intended to bow to Esav! - PF)



Rashi writes: "Yosef merited the blessing of 'Alei Ayin' (49:22)" (overcoming the [evil] eye). What does this blessing include?


Maharal #1 (Nesivos Olam, Nesiv ha'Tzenius Ch. 1, p. 106): Yosef merited immunity from the evil eye, in the merit of his maintaining privacy (Tzenius).


Maharal #2 (Nesivos Olam, Nesiv ha'Osher Ch. 2, p. 227): Yosef merited wealth, for blessings of abundance are possible only for that which is hidden from the eye.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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