What is the comparison "ki'Mvo Am"?
Radak: Like people who desire to hear Devar Hashem, and are zealous [to follow it].
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Like Talmidim who come. Radak ? Hashem told the Navi their intent, and what they say about him not in front of him.
What is the significance of sitting in front of you?
Rashi: It is as if they are My nation [and want to hear and follow My words].
Malbim: When the Navi comes to rebuke the people, they come to you like people who gather with the Tzibur.
What is "Agavim"?
Rashi: It is laughter, like "Ugav 1 ".
Radak, Targum Yonasan: It is mockery.
So Rashi explains "Yis'u k'Sof v'Chinor v'Yismechu l'Kol Ugav" (Iyov 21:12). What forced him to say so? It seems that it is a musical instrument in Bereishis 4:21 "Tofes Kinor v'Ugav" and Tehilim 150:4 "Haleluhu b'Minim v'Ugav"! In the coming verse, Rashi (from Targum Yonasan) implies that Agavim are flutes! (PF)
What is "Vitz'am"?
Rashi: Their theft. Malbim ? it would be proper that they fear Hashem. However, their hearts pursue their theft. Their mouths and hearts are far from Hashem. How will they come to deed [that Hashem desires] ? "b'Ficha uvi'Lvvaecha La'asoso" (Devarim 30:14)?