
How will these birds 'inherit' the land?


Radak: They will be there constantly, like a man stands in his inheritance.


What are "Ka'as [v'Kipod v'Yanshuf]"?


Rashi: Kipod is a bird that flies at night (owl).


Rashi (14:23): Kipod is a hedgehog (a kind of Sheretz).


Radak (here and 14:23): They are birds that normally dwell in ruins. Ka'as is called Kik in the Mishnah (according to Shmuel - Shabbos 21a). It is a wild bird found in large coastal cities. Kipod is Kenapod in Arabic, or Tartog in old French. It is always found in a place of water. Yanshuf flies at night, or screams at night. Yanshuf is like Neshef (night).


Malbim: Ka'as and Kipod are wild birds. Yanshuf and Orev are found also in settled areas. They will not inherit; they will dwell there haphazardly. Only wild birds dwell there on a fixed basis.


What is the meaning of "[v'Natah Aleha] Kav Sohu v'Avnei Vohu"?


Rashi: Kav Sohu is the Mishpat of desolation. Avnei Vohu are weights of Din (a judgment of) Churban, like "Even Shelemah" (Devarim 25:16).


Radak: A builder stretches a line and a plumb-line [to ensure that he builds straight]. Here, they will be of Sohu and Vohu, i.e. of destruction, the opposite of building.


Malbim: The verse depicts that Ka'as and Kipod found the country. The line to measure the length and width of the building, and the rocks used to build are of nothingness.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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