
What is the significance of "Chai Ani"?


Malbim: This is a decree with a Shevu'ah, which is not torn, because My flock was la'Vaz (plundered), without a shepherd. An armed robber or evil Chayah [that takes or tears animals] is Ones, but if [the shepherd] entered the city when it is not normal to do so, the beginning was negligence and the end was Ones; he is liable. And especially here [he is liable], for the flock was la'Vaz and Chayos ate them because there was no shepherd. It is as if he took them to a place of armed robber and Chayos; he is liable (Bava Metzi'a 94a).


What do we learn from "v'Lo Darshu Ro'ai Es Tzoni"?


Malbim: [The shepherds] should have hired other shepherds [to fend off the Chayah] with sticks, especially since they are like paid Shomerim.


Why does it say "va'Yir'u ha'Ro'im Osam"?


Rashi: They graze themselves. Malbim ? they should have grazed My flock! Do not say that they ceased guarding, and did not want to be shepherds any more ? they grazed (took from the flock for) themselves!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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