What are "B'ris" and "Nifla'os" referring to?
Rashi and Ramban: They are the answer to Moshe's request in the previous Pasuk. 1
Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: They refer to Moshe's request, both regarding Yisrael and regarding himself. 2
Seforno: Hashem made a covenant that He would always be in Yisrael's midst - even when they go into Galus, 3 and that He would perfom wonders on their behalf - when they Daven using the thirteen Midos.
Refer to 33:16:1:4. In fact, it refers to the numerous righteous offspring that Hashem initially promised would come from Moshe and the incredible miracles that Hashem would perform with the people following their exile to the Rivers of Bavel and subsequently, to beyond the River Sambatyon (Targum Yonasan). See Peirush Yonasan.
See Megilah, 29b (Seforno).
What is the significance of the covenant of the thirteen Midos?
Rosh Hashanah, 17b: Their recital never goes (completely) unheeded. 1
Even if Hashem does not always answer one's request in total - Refer to 34:6:0.2:1 & 2, He always answers at least in part.
What is "Ki Nora hu" referring to?