
Why does the Torah prohibit entering into a covenant with the Cana'anim and eating from their sacrifices?


Rashi: The Torah views eating from their sacrifices akin to participating in their idol-worship, because one thing leads to another, and the next step is taking his daughter as a wife for one's son.


Ramban: Straying after the gods of the Cana'anim, eating from their sacrifices 1 and taking their daughters for our sons are all prohibitions that stem from making a covenant with them.


Seforno: Because entering into a covenant with them sometimes leads initially to participating in their festivities and from there to joining them in their idolatrous practices, and sometimes to licentiousness. 2


See Bava Kama, 71b and Chulin, fortyb (Ramban).


As occurred with Ba'al Pe'or (Seforno). See last Parshah in Balak.


Why does the Torah insert the words "ve'Kara l'cha ... "?


Avodah Zarah, 18a: To implicate the sinner already from the time he accepts the invitation to participate. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 19 and refer to 34:15:1:3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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