Why does it say "Ki Agid" and "v'Chi I'atzecha"?
Malbim: I have Hagadah of the evil that will come, and counsel how you will be saved. If I tell you the evil, you will kill me. If I counsel you, you will not heed it.
It says "I'atzecha" in two other places - Yisro counseled Moshe about judges (Shemos 18:19), and Bil'am counseled Balak (Bamidbar 24:14). What is the significance of this?
Ba'al ha'Turim: There was no Navi in Yisrael like Moshe, but there was among the Goyim - Bil'am (Sifri Devarim 34:10), i.e. temporarily (his Nevu'ah resembled Moshe's). Moshe heeded Yisro's counsel - "Al Mekomo Yavo v'Shalom" (Shemos 18:23). Tzidkiyah did not heed Yirmeyah's counsel, and he was exiled from his place.