What is the meaning of "Do'eg Es ha'Yehudim"?
Rashi: I fear the Yehudim [who already made peace with Bavliyim].
Malbim: Refer to 38:19:2:2.
What is the Perush of "Yitnu Osi b'Yadam"?
Rashi: The Bavliyim will hand me over to the Yehudim, and say 'your king should be your slave, for you were first to make peace with us.'
Malbim: There were two groups in Yerushalayim. One wanted to make peace with the Bavliyim; the officers and the king wanted to fight, like it says in Yechezkel, Perek 21. The former hated Tzidkiyah. He feared lest he be handed over to them, and live a life of disgrace. The Navi promised only that he will live, but not that it will be good for him!
What is the meaning of "v'His'alelu Vi"?
Rashi: [The Yehudim] will mock me.
Radak: They will kill me via stabbing of vengeance and disgrace, for they made peace with the Bavliyim deceptively, against my will. Had I known, I would have killed them.