
What is the meaning of "Na'aveisi"?


Rashi: It is like 'Achazto Avis' (Chulin 60b, i.e. trembling).


Radak: [My afflictions] distorted [my body, so I go bent].


Malbim: The order of my inner Nefesh was totally nullified. It is full of confusion and bewilderment.


Why did he say "Koder Hilachti Kol ha'Yom"?


Radak: My inside became dark and gloomy. I have no rest at any time of the day; I am constantly ill and pained.


Malbim: This shows how much I am bent. One who is bodily afflicted, but his Ru'ach is b'Shalom, his Ru'ach and inner hope strengthen him - "Ru'ach Ish Yechalkel Machalehu" (Mishlei 18:14). One whose Nefesh and Ru'ach are afflicted, but his body is intact, he can bear this. (However, my Ru'ach and body are both afflicted!)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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