
What is the meaning of "Chesalai Mal'u Nikleh"?


Rashi: I am light (lowly) in my own eyes. Radak - the verse omits what is described [as being disgraced], just like "Ki Chamudos Atah" (Daniel 9:23; it should say Ish Chamudos), "k'Eder ha'Ketzuvos" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:2; it should say 'k'Eder Rechelim ha'Ketzuvos')


Radak: The flanks are under the loins, above the thighs. They are near the kidneys; weakness and illness affect them.


Radak citing his father: Nikleh is a noun, like "Kaluy ba'Esh" (Vayikra 2:14). It says so due to the great heat of the illness - "va'Asaledah v'Chilah" (Iyov 6:10).


Malbim: This is inner disgrace that fills his thoughts and Ru'ach. Also there is nothing healthy in my external flesh; my flesh and Ru'ach are both stricken.


Verse 4 already said "Ein Mesom bi'Vsari"! Why is this repeated?


Radak: People who cry and sigh often repeat their words.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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