
How did they arrange the five kinds of threads of the Choshen and the eifod?


Rashi: They spun one thread of gold with six of Techeiles, six of Argaman, six of Tola'as Shani and six of Sheish Moshzar - which they then spun into one thread twenty-eight thick.


Why does the Torah present a detailed description as to how they manufactured the golden threads (something that it does not do by any of the other Melachos regarding the Mishkan)?


Ramban: Because it was the first time in history that golden threads were manufactured - an eye-opener to all those who witnessed it.


How did they manufacture the golden threads?


Rashi and Ramban: Refer to 28:6:1:1-2.


Seforno: The donors actually manufactured the golden plates, which the wise-hearted men cut into strips (and intertwined with the other threads).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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