
What "Livyas Chen" should you give to your head?


Refer to 1:9:1:1-6.


Ma'alos ha'Torah (DH Davar Acher): "Livyas Chen" is in this world; "Ateres Tif'eres" is in the world to come.


Malbim: You will find grace in the eyes of Elokim and people. The head represents Sechel; you will find grace and good Sechel.


What is the significance of "Ateres Tif'eres Temageneka"?


R. Yonah: "Ateres Tif'eres" are Chen and honor. They will be handed over to you - your honor will not depend on someone else. The straight path is what is Tif'eres (glory) to those who do it, and Tif'eres for him from people.


Ma'alos ha'Torah: Refer to 4:9:1:2.


Malbim: One who has an attribute wears a crown. It is a sign of his attribute. You will wear the crown of Tif'eres of generations - this is greater than honor and Chen.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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