
What is the meaning of "Lalas"?


Rashi: You are forced to say that it means "Laledes"; there is nothing like this [in Tanach]. Radak - the Dalet is missing, Most explain like this. Also Yonason translated 'it was her time to give birth.'


Rashi citing Menachem: This is from Yelalah, for labor pains come to her with wailing. The only letter of the root is Lamed. Radak - her time to wail [amidst labor pain] came close. This is like Laredes and Lasheves, just the Yud is missing from Yalal. With the Yud, it would be like Yarad or Yashav. The latter of the two Lamed's is missing. It is like Lases, just that has a Tzeirei under the letter of the root, and this has Patach.


Ralbag, Malbim: This is Makor (an infinitive) from the root Nalah; her days of pregnancy finished.


Why did she hear about the Aron before about Eli and her husband?


Malbim: The people put first what was most important to them - first the Aron, then Eli, then her husband.


What is the meaning of "Nehefchu"?


Rashi: They changed from their normal way, therefore she died.


Radak: [Her birth pangs] intensified and came upon her with the bad tidings. Amidst this, she bowed and died.


Malbim citing Mahari: After the fetus came out, her contractions and pains turned back, and ceased. Due to this, the bloody discharges [that normally come with birth] did not leave, and she died.


What are "Tzireha"?


Rashi: They are hinges of the doors to the stomach. Radak citing Bechoros 45a - just like a door has hinges, so the womb.


Radak: They are birth pangs.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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