
What is the meaning of "Iy Chavod"?


Rashi: It is like Ein Kavod (there is no honor). Also "Yimalet Iy Naki" (Iyov 22:30) is like Ein Naki. Radak - the Nun is missing. There is a Chirik under the Aleph, like "In Yesh Po" (21:9). Alternatively, this is like Ei Chavod, with a Tzeirei, i.e. Ayei (where is the honor that is not today in Yisrael?) Also Malbim explains like this.


Why did she say "El Hilakach Aron ha'Elokim v'El Chamiha v'Ishah"?


Rashi: This is like Al Hilakach


Our text of Malbim says 'R. Meir.' Surely this is a printing mistake, for he and R. Chiya each said that he is greater than the other. R. Chiya was submissive to Rebbi, and Rebbi said (Eruvin 13b) that R. Meir was far greater than himself! (PF)


This is like the opinion that Pinchas' only sin was not protesting against Chofni (refer to 2:22:4:1). Perhaps Malbim holds that she was unaware of the Chachmah of Shmuel, who learned from Eli for 40 years and already merited Nevu'ah. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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