
Why does the Pasuk not say simply that Yosef asked 'them'? Why does it repeat that they were Serisei Pharaoh, and that they were with him in the jail that was in his master's house?


Ramban: It is in praise of Yosef, who in spite of his young age and status of slave, he relied on his wisdom to relieve them of their distress, undeterred by the fact that he was in the domain of a master who hated him 1 and who could have executed him at a whim. 2


Seforno: It is only because his master placed them under his jurisdiction 3 that he dared ask them about their thoughts; otherwise it would have been presumptuous for him to do so.


Ohr ha'Chayim #1, Ha'amek Davar #1: Normally, it is improper to ask great people about their thoughts. Only, since they were together, Yosef suspected that they were angry with him. (Perhaps his master would blame him for their discontent, and attribute it to his not serving them well enough.)


Ohr ha'Chayim #2, Ha'amek Davar #2: Since they were all together, they were all inmates, and he was not concerned for their dignity. Malbim - When a noble and a slave are strangers in another land, or captives together in the same prison, they love each other like equals.


Ohr ha'Chayim #3: Perhaps their displeasure pertains to Yosef's master; and a faithful servant must investigate matters relevant to his master.


But refer to 39:20:3:1 .


Ramban: In fact, the two officers could have ordered his execution; which the baker would surely have done, had he survived. 2: 3

Oznayim la'Torah: And because he was on the best of terms with his master and under his protection; whereas the butler and the baker were strangers.


Why did he add "ha'Yom"?


Ohr ha'Chayim, Malbim: It cannot be that you are sad due to being in prison, for if so, also the previous days you should have been sad!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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